About Geno AI.

6 min read

Thu, 24 August 2023

Geno is an AI-powered tool for creatives looking to quickly turn their ideas into interactive and engaging content, such as text, images, videos, and 3D graphics. We want our product to be a new medium for human connection, communication and interaction. We want to enable individuals to easily spread and exchange ideas in a new way that was previously impossible.

What is Geno's AI Assistant?

Geno is an AI-powered creative assistant that helps users turn their ideas into interactive and engaging content, such as text, images, videos, 3D graphics, and web components.

How does it work?

Geno is an AI-powered tool that uses various techniques such as natural language processing and diffusion modeling. This makes it smarter and more personalized over time. The Geno Studio is a versatile tool that can be used to create a wide range of content, including social media posts, slide decks, and educational materials. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it accessible for people of all backgrounds to use its creative tools.

Geno is particularly useful for educators who want to create interactive and personalized materials for their students, entrepreneurs who need to generate ideas and create presentation decks, community managers who need to communicate with their community, and creative professionals such as writers, photographers, and cinematographers who want to visualize and interact with their stories. Overall, Geno aims to empower people to be creative and easily share their ideas with others through its AI-powered tools.


We introduce Geno. An AI assistance for creativity and entrepreneurship. Our AI assistant is ready to empower entrepreneurs and creatives to increase their productivity and efficiency. Our AI powered tools work in collaboration with humans and act as a force multiplier. It’s easy to see your AI assistant as your friend, collaborator or creative companions. That is what makes our product unique. By being able to communicate with the computer through textual conversations we remove the barriers to entry for most small to medium businesses with no knowledge in coding and computer programing.

Every business will be able to create and train their own AI powered digital Human that is alighned with their values and goals. enabling businesses to reach a new level of communication through personalised content and conversations. To create such a future our strategy is to start with small to medium businesses and brands who we believe are the first adopters of our platform. The demand for highly personalized content is great. Creating a creative content requires days if not weeks of iteration that leads to lack of published content by businesses who does not have the luxury to hire content creators, designers and videographers, so they will not be able to create an effective brand identity for their business, thus their relevance and existence will be endangered by the bigger players who have higher capital, budget and labor in their industry.

Our tools are not a replacement for humans, in fact they are a force multiplier. By using our tools creators, designers, solo-entrepreneurs and founders will be able to get their ideas into the world faster and more efficiently. An entrepreneur with a low budget that used to create a video content every month, now is able to create new highly personalized content in a fraction of time, in minutes. Their input will be less and the output will be exponentially higher. By providing businesses with this level of productivity we will open the flood gates of innovation that in turn will benefit businesses, and nations with exponential economic growth. We are building a future where individuals are able to communicate their ideas and bring their imagination to life.

We use AI to help sales and marketing teams accelerate their productivity to create professional digital content fast and more affordable. Our product consists of an AI Assistant that is able to understand the company's mission and goals, to adapt the voice of the brand and to generate creative content based on initial ideas and to refine an idea through logos, brainstorming and conversation.

With the help of Geno you can

  • Write blog posts, stories, ad copies in seconds.
  • Use Geno chatbot to research, ideate and brainstorm.
  • Co-create with AI to generate Blogs, Images, Stories and Books in minutes.
  • Share and publish your content to your website, or any social media.
  • Fine-tune the AI model to create content based on their own brand’s identity and voice.
  • Lowering the time of getting from ideas to the final product.
  • Create a global brand with your AI’s ability to generate content in more than 25 different languages.


We are a diverse team of ML engineers, User experience designers, and entrepreneurs with background filmmaking, photography, virtual legality, generative algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. Power of AI and the correlation of our visions has brought us together to build a disruptive product that will shape the future of human connection, imagination and creativity. We believe that AI will augment and humans in a way that tractors.

Our co-founder Pouya brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the company. His background in art, photography, and filmmaking, as well as his studies in comparative literature and film studies, have given him a unique perspective on storytelling and the power of human-AI interaction through natural language. This perspective has been invaluable in helping to shape Geno AI's mission and vision of building the future of storytelling through the power of Human-AI interaction via natural language. Pouya's passion for storytelling and technology, as well as his enthusiasm for pushing the boundaries of innovation, Will be critical in the success of the company.

At Geno, we understand the struggles that small to medium companies face when it comes to creating high-quality visual content for their products. The cost and time involved in hiring designers, photographers, and renting photo studios can be overwhelming and often out of reach for businesses with limited budgets and resources.

That's why we've developed a solution that leverages AI technology to help marketing and sales teams create professional digital content in a fast and affordable way. Our AI Assistant understands a company's mission and goals, and can adapt the brand's voice and identity to generate creative content based on initial ideas.

Our generative AI platform acts as a creative assistant for businesses, enabling them to easily generate highly personalized visual content for their products without the need for a photo studio. Our goal is to help small to medium companies create brand awareness and compete with larger companies in their industry.

With Geno, businesses can write blog posts, stories, and ad copies in seconds and co-create with AI to generate blogs, images, stories, and books in minutes. Our platform also allows for fine-tuning the AI model to create content based on the company's brand identity and voice, and even generate content in more than 25 different languages.